Kajaani is warm and sympathetic small city, which always have some happenings going on. You can find many different recreational possibilities and diverse services. Here you have many opportunities to go outdoors. Moving around the city is easy by bike and by feet and you don’t have to spend time on traffic jams. Looking up the bus shifts in Kajaani and all around the Kainuu area is easy. Traviling to Kajaani is easy and convenient by bus, train and airplane.
When arriving to Kajaani from abroad, please note that the winter months see extremely low temperatures (-20C, even -30C) and therefore proper winter attire such as a thermal coat, winter hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants are recommended. During the summer months rain is common and temperatures can range from 10C to 30C during the hottest summer days.

There is some web pages, which will help you with living in Kajaani.
Kajaani city website
Guide for winter clothing
Information about ATM’s in Finland
Information about Kajaani
Electronic route guide
Events in Kainuu
Urho Kekkonen memorial
Eino Leino statue
Kajaani castle
Nakertaja-Hetteenmäki sports area
Area includes multi-purpose arena, multipurpose rink, discgolf course, rope course and play ground area.
Kuurna-Kätönlahti sports area
Area includes parkous, frisbeegolf, athletics, ball games in multipurpose rink. Area also has a playground
Soidinsuo sports area
Area includes multi-purpose arena, street basketball court, football field playground area.
Hauhola sport area
Area includes multi-purpose arena, street basketball court, football field, playground area.
Lohtaja sport area
Area includes multi-purpose arena, skate area, street basketball court, football field, playground areas, adventure area and practice area for skiing.
Paltaniemi beach
Kajaani beaches.Kesäniemi beach
Railway and bus station
Kainuu Central Hospital
Contact details:
Kainuu Central Hospital
Sotkamontie 13
87300 Kajaani
tel: +358 8 61561